Impact of Large Landslides on River Environments Using Satellite Imagery and Field Data (Case Study: Jajrud River)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Landslides often result in the formation of dammed lakes along rivers. This study aims to explore the correlation between landslides occurring in the Jajrud region and the subsequent creation of dammed lake. To achieve this objective, a combination of remote sensing techniques, geomorphometry, DEM imagery, GPS, ArcGIS software, MATLAB, Global Mapper, and GMT wereutilized. Radar interferometry and SPL methods were employed to analyze the influential factors contributing to landslides. The SBAS method was utilized to determine the amount of displacement while the SPL method involved analyzing basin morphometry and geomorphology through the Tec DEM model. Additionally, morphometric analysis was conducted to assess and correlate terrace sequences. Finally, based on the findings, the extent of the dammed lake was reconstructed The interferometry results revealed an approximate uplift of 40 mm in the landslide area over a span of three years, leading to long-term rupture and landslides TheSPL analysis demonstrated the active presence of morphotectonic changes in the basin, with faults causing amplitude fragmentation. Furthermore, upstream drifting flows, the valley became obstructed, forming a substantial lake along the Jajrud River.


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