The reciprocal effect of global warming and climatic change (new perspective): A review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Center for Remote Sensing and GIS studies, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Climate change is one of the most pressing problems among scientists worldwide, with experts warning about it and even referring to it as unfathomable human agony. In this study, we reviewed previous studies and examined two gaps in the existing approach to climate change studies. First, look at the "side effects" of global warming that have been overlooked in the process and then look at the leading "cause" of global warming, namely "humans" and not its "effects". The findings revealed that a 1.4 °C temperature increase (as predicted by United National (UN) projections) would not only raise this amount but also trigger further global warming. As a result, the premise that global warming produces additional global warming was proven. In the Water Area (WA) class, radiant energy increased by 1194.8%, compared to 1205.8%, 1154.9%, 1115.6% and 1229% in the Vegetation Area Class (VAC), Agricultural Area Class (AAC), Bare Area Class (BAC) and Salt Lake Class (SLC), respectively. Although the Land Surface Temperature (LST) of all classes has only increased by about 0.4 °C, these changes in radiant energy are much more pronounced. The current study also revealed that most legitimate research on this subject has focused on the effects of global warming on environmental variations. These studies, which see these changes as "results" of climate change and global warming, have overlooked the primary cause, "human demands", which has prompted humans to alter or exploit their surroundings actively. This study found that concentrating on humans and encouraging them to focus on happiness rather than pleasure is more helpful in addressing global warming issues than focusing on its impacts, such as rising sea level, storms, drought, etc. The results of this study are helpful for a deeper understanding of global warming and a careful study of the cause and dimensions of this phenomenon.


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