First observations of the aquatic invertebrate fauna in ephemeral Atacama River (22° S, Antofagasta Region, Chile)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Universidad Catolica de Temuco Facultad de Recursos Naturales Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales Casilla 15-D Temuco CHILE email:

2 Departamento de Ecología, Facultal de Ciencias, Universidad de Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción, Chile

3 Universidad de la Frontera Temuco CHILE


The invertebrate communities of the northern Chilean rivers are characterised by their marked endemism and
specificity of their community structure in different basins. The river systems located in the Atacama Desert are endorheic
and are affected by the rainy period of January-February commonly known as the “Bolivian winter“. The present study is
the first report on the observations of arthropods in the ephemeral Atacama River during a period of the “Bolivian winter“.
The Atacama River is characterised by species with poor invertebrate assemblage dominated by diapausing crustaceans
(cladocera, copepod, ostracoda) and dispersing aquatic insects (ephemeroptera and diptera larvae).


Main Subjects

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